
Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) Symposium: Canadian Arctic
Contaminants Assessment
4-7 March 2003
Ottawa, Canada

For more information see:
Or contact:
Jennifer Baizana (baizanaj [at]

To present a poster, inform the organizers by 13 December 2002.

The organizers would like to invite people who are engaged or interested
in research related to levels, trends and effects of persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals in the Arctic physical and biological
environments and humans. The meeting will be held in Ottawa, the capital
of Canada.

All platform presentations will be by invitation only and will include
many international experts in addition to Canadian experts. Poster
presentations are open, subject to approval by the organizing
committees, and will entail a 5-minute presentation in plenary. Anyone
wishing to present a poster must inform the organizers by December 13,
2002. The Symposium will serve to launch the Canadian Arctic
Contaminants Assessment Report II (CACAR II) which will summarize the
five years of contaminant research from distant sources that has been
conducted under the NCP Phase II. The CACAR II is being prepared in
parallel with the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment
Programme (AMAP) II Assessment.

The aim of the NCP Symposium is to provide an overview of the findings
and accomplishments achieved under the NCP Phase II (last five years).
The Symposium will draw upon the conclusions and recommendations from
CACAR II as well as consider the conclusions from the AMAP II report.

All information about the NCP Symposium can be found at the following
web address, including registration on-line:

For further information contact:
Jennifer Baizana (NCP Secretariat)
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Tel: (819) 953 8109
Fax: (819) 953-9066
Email: baizanaj [at]