
Course Offering:
Arctic Ecology and Modeling: A Study Trip to Alaska
7-17 August 2003

Course Web-Page: (click on Other Programs)

Program Contact:
Debbie Scanlon (dscanlon [at]

This course in Arctic Ecology and Modeling, directed by John Hobbie, is
intended to educate advanced undergraduate students and graduate
students about the Arctic environment and to demonstrate the interplay
between data collection and quantitative modeling. It will consist of a
10-day tour of the 400-mile northern half of the Dalton Highway from
Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay. The Boreal and Arctic environments will be
introduced through lectures along the route and through a seven-day
study at the Toolik Field Station (TFS). Also at TFS, students will gain
an understanding of a multidisciplinary research project: how goals are
set, how to create a research plan, how to conduct field sampling, how
databases are managed and analyzed, and how simulation models are
constructed. Class size will be up to 10 students.

The course is organized through The Ecosystems Center, a research
section of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL)(see The MBL is a private research laboratory
whose goal is advancing biological knowledge through research and
education. The MBL has been offering advanced courses in biology for
more than a century (see for current listing). The
MBL policy on course credit is as follows: "The MBL does not grant
academic credit; upon completion of a course, students are provided a
letter documenting total lecture and lab hours spent in the course. This
may be presented to their home institution toward a petition for

Course Web-Page: (click on Other Programs)

Program Contact:
Debbie Scanlon
The Ecosystems Center
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015
(508) 289-7496 Phone
(508) 457-1548 Fax
E-mail: dscanlon [at]