
Second Announcement and Call for papers:
International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM IV)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
30 September-October 3, 2003

For more information see the conference website at:

Abstract deadline is May 31, 2003

The International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM IV) is an
opportunity to participate in discussions about geodynamics and other
geoscientific problems in the Arctic.

Topics include:
Circum-Greenland Tectonics,
Hydrocarbon potential and gas hydrates,
Science issues relating to UNCLOS Article 76,
Geodynamic Significance of Arctic Magmatism,
Vertical Motions in the Arctic: Tectonic and glacial,
Atlantic versus Pacific tectonic regimes in the evolution of the Arctic
Arctic Margins: Coastal and Marine Environmental Geoscience in a
Changing Climate; Implications for Development,
New Technologies including Arctic Drilling,
Role of Geoscience in community development in the North.

For more information see the conference website at:

Abstract deadline is May 31, 2003.

We plan to publish the Proceedings of ICAM IV in two ways:
(1) As an electronically published proceedings volume that will be
hosted on a dedicated website, and eventually issued to conference
participants as a CD-ROM. The purpose of this volume is to provide a
record of as many presentations from the meeting as possible.
Contributors can also benefit from the flexibility that electronic
publishing permits with use of colour, page size and presentation of
digital data. While full-length manuscripts are encouraged, shorter
concise contributions of 'extended abstract' length are perfectly
acceptable. Manuscripts submitted for this proceedings volume will be
refereed and contributors will be expected TO SUBMIT THEIR MANUSCRIPTS

(2) Before and during the conference, the chairs of individual sessions
will assess the merit of, and interest for, publishing the proceedings
of a session as a special issue in a journal. This will be an
opportunity for conference participants to contribute substantial papers
in the international literature, which will complement their
contributions in the official conference volume. If the session chairs
decide to proceed with a special issue, they will be supported by the
ICAM publishing team wherever possible, but the session chairs will
ultimately be responsible for this undertaking.

Contact R. Jackson, Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada
Atlantic, 1 Challenger Dr., Box 1006, Dartmouth, N.S. B2Y 4A2 Canada
Tel 902-426-3791, Fax 902-426-6152, Email rujackso [at]