
Postdoctoral Position Available
Swedish Museum of Natural History
Stockholm, Sweden

Application Deadline: Thursday, 16 August 2007

For further information, please click the "Vacancies" link in the "About
the Museum" section at:

or contact:
Mari Kallersjo
E-mail: forskningschef [at]

or contact:
Per Andersson
E-mail: per.andersson [at]

The Swedish Museum of Natural History invites candidates for a
postdoctoral position. Applications are invited from scholars who have
held a doctoral degree in botany, geology, palaeontology, or zoology for
fewer than five years as of the application deadline. The position is
for one year with the possibility of an extension for at most one
additional year. Leave due to illness, maternal/paternal leave, or
comparable circumstances will be taken into account. Starting date is
flexible and by agreement.

Applicants are requested to send a three-page project plan, a one-page
summary of up-to-date research results, list of publications, CV, and
contact details of three references. Applications marked "Dnr
33-399/2007" should be submitted by Thursday, 16 August 2007 to:
E-mail: rekrytering [at]

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant department at
the Museum of Natural History well in advance of applying. Information
about research at the museum is available at: