
Conference Announcement
3rd SEDIBUD (Sediment Budgets in Cold Environments) Workshop
9-13 September 2008
Boulder, Colorado

Pre-registration Deadline: 15 March 2008
Final Registration and Abstract Deadline: 15 May 2008

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Armelle Decaulne
E-mail: armelle [at]

The 3rd SEDIBUD (Sediment Budgets in Cold Environments) Workshop will be
held on 9-13 September 2008, at the Mountain Research Station in
Boulder, Colorado.

Climate change affects all Earth surface systems but with the arguably
greatest impact in high-latitude and high-altitude cold environments. In
these areas, climate change shapes Earth surface processes not just by
altering vegetation cover and human activities but also through its
impact on frost penetration and duration within the ground surface
layers. All of these factors influence patterns of erosion, transport,
and deposition of sediments and related fluxes (e.g., nutrients,
solutes, carbon). It is a challenge to develop a better understanding of
how these factors combine to affect sedimentary transfer processes and
sediment budgets in cold environments. Baseline knowledge on the
erosion, sedimentary transfer, and depositional processes operating
within Holocene and present-day climates and as landscape systems
evolved and under given vegetation covers forms our basis for predicting
the consequences of predicted future climate change and related
vegetation cover changes. Much of this information, however, is limited
in terms of spatial and temporal coverage and needs to be extended and
consolidated. Only with these reliable models responding to landscape
and climate change will there be a fuller understanding of probable
future changes to these regions.

Central issues of relevant science questions will be addressed within
the SEDIBUD program, presentation and further discussion of the SEDIFLUX
Manual (Revised Version), presentation of SEDIBUD key test sites
(catchments), development of the SEDIBUD metadata database, and
development of further ideas to continue and extend the scientific
activities within SEDIBUD.

SEDIBUD is a working group of the International Association of
Geomorphologists (IAG)/Association Internationale des Geomorphologues
(AIG), and further information is available at:

To register and submit an abstract for the workshop, please contact:
Armelle Decaulne
E-mail: armelle [at]