
Summer Course Announcement
Arctic and Boreal Entomology
7-18 July 2008
Churchill Northern Studies Centre
Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

For further information, please contact:
Peter Kevan
Department of Environmental Biology
University of Guelph
E-mail: pkevan [at]

Rob Roughley
Department of Entomology
University of Manitoba
E-mail: rob_roughley [at]

"Arctic and Boreal Entomology," a summer introductory course on the
diversity, abundance, and activity of insect life across the northern
tree line, will be held on 7-18 July 2008, at the Churchill Northern
Studies Centre (CNSC) in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. The general scope
of the course includes study of interactions of northern insects with
biotic and abiotic elements; effects of disturbances, including fire,
vehicles, and human habitation; and behavioral adaptations of northern

The course consists of lectures and discussions, field excursions, and
exercises on collection methods, insect and plant identification and
curations, observation and quantification of adaptation and behavior,
diversity and abundance relationships, as well as individual projects
designed according to personal interests. The course fee of $1,200 CND
includes room and board at CNSC, course supplies, and use of equipment
and laboratory space.

Lecture topics include:
- Adaptations of Northern Insects
- The Arctic Insect Fauna
- The Changing Insect Fauna of the Churchill Region and Climate Change
- Behavioral Thermoregulation by Northern Insects and Plants
- Pollination and the Roles of Insects in the Sexual Reproduction of
Northern Plants
- Why are Aquatic Habitats So Well Used by Northern Insects?
- Biting Flies in the North
- The Effects of Human Activity on Micro-Arthropods and Soil Communities
in the North

Students interested in enrolling in the course should contact:
Peter Kevan
Department of Environmental Biology
University of Guelph
E-mail: pkevan [at]

Rob Roughley
Department of Entomology
University of Manitoba
E-mail: rob_roughley [at]