
Student Travel Scholarship
ARCUS 20th Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum
13-15 May 2008
Washington, DC

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 16 April 2008

For further information and to apply, please go to:…

or contact:
Tina Buxbaum
E-mail: tina [at]

ARCUS is accepting applications from Masters and PhD students for travel
scholarships to attend the 20th Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum 2008,
being held in Washington, DC on 13-15 May 2008. The theme of this year's
meeting is "Tipping Points - The Arctic and Global Change."

The increasing pace and scale of observed environmental change in the
Arctic and around the globe raises an important question: Have we
reached major tipping points in the arctic system?

Interconnectedness of the Arctic is demonstrated when a single change -
even a small one - sends ripple effects throughout the marine,
terrestrial, atmospheric, socioeconomic, and global systems.
Participants at the Arctic Forum will discuss how such changes may be
"tipping points" that represent a new, unknown, and potentially
irreversible vanguard of arctic and global change. Arctic Forum sessions
will explore tipping points over different scales of time and space,
both environmental and socioeconomic, as well as potential consequences,
opportunities, and policy and management response strategies.

The 2008 Arctic Forum is co-chaired by Martin Miles, Environmental
Systems Analysis Research Center in Boulder, Colorado, and Craig
Fleener, Gwich'in Council International.

The travel scholarship competition is open internationally to Masters
and PhD students who are working in a field related to arctic science or
education. Scholarships include airfare, lodging, and per diem.
Successful applicants will be expected to present a poster at the Arctic
Forum. The number of awarded scholarships will be based on available

To apply, please complete the online application form, including:
- name and contact information;
- field of study and/or graduate research topic;
- poster title and abstract of not more than 300 words; and
- answers to the following questions:
(a) What will you contribute to the discussions at the 2008 Arctic
(b) How will your participation in the 2008 Arctic Forum contribute
to your professional development as a member of the research

The online application is available at:…

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Notification of awards will be made by Monday, 28 April 2008.

For further information, please contact:
Tina Buxbaum
E-mail: tina [at]