
Updated Information and Call for Papers
"Park Science in the Arctic"
2008 Alaska Park Science Symposium and
Beringia Days 2008 International Conference
14-16 October 2008
Fairbanks, Alaska

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 15 May 2008

For further information please go to:

Or contact:
Lois Dalle-Molle
Phone: 907-455-0635
Email: lois_dalle-molle [at]

Robert A. Winfree
Phone: 907-644-3516
E-mail: robert_winfree [at]

The National Park Service announces an exciting addition to the upcoming
conference schedule, "Park Science in the Arctic," to be held in
Fairbanks, Alaska, 14-16 October 2008. The Inupiaq dance group Pavva has
confirmed that they will be performing during the open public cultural
event at the new Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitor Center on
Wednesday, 15 October 2008.

Submissions of poster and presentation abstracts are invited for the
science symposium and the Beringia Days International Conference. All
poster abstracts relevant to the conference topic will be accepted. Due
to agenda time constraints, only select abstracts will be accepted for
oral presentations. The deadline for submission of abstracts is
Thursday, 15 May 2008.

To submit an abstract, please go to:

The symposium, "Park Science in the Arctic," will focus on scientific
and scholarly research, natural and cultural resource inventories, and
monitoring relevant to parks, preserves, monuments, refuges and heritage
resources. The geographic scope of this International Polar Year
symposium stretches from the Lena River in Siberia to the Mackenzie
River in Canada, and from the North Pole to the Aleutian Islands.

To view the conference schedule, please go to:

For further information please go to:

Or contact:
Lois Dalle-Molle
Phone: 907-455-0635
Email: lois_dalle-molle [at]

Robert A. Winfree
Phone: 907-644-3516
E-mail: robert_winfree [at]

The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, 15 May 2008.