
Deadline Reminder
IMPETUS 2008: Techniques in Polar Ocean Observation and Monitoring
St. Petersburg, Russia
19-22 November 2008

Application deadline: Tuesday, 30 September 2008.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Carolyn Wegner
Email: impetus2008 [at]

In November 2008, the Otto-Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine
Research in Saint-Petersburg (OSL), located at the Arctic and
Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), and the Association of Polar
Early Career Scientists (APECS) are organizing a training workshop on
monitoring techniques in polar ocean and sea-ice observation in St.
Petersburg. The workshop is funded by the IMPETUS-project of the
German Ministry of Education and Research, the OSL, and the AARI. It
is endorsed by the Arctic Ocean Science Board (AOSB).

There are at least 10 full fellowships for young and early career
researchers to participate in the workshop. The workshop will provide
early career scientists with know-how and hand-on skills in the
fields of ecology, oceanography, meteorology, geology, sea-ice,
submarine permafrost, and engineering. It aims to improve existing
and build up new collaborations and networks along the continuum of
senior to early career scientists. It offers the opportunity to
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of modern monitoring
techniques and methods of data transmission. It is intended to
install new interdisciplinary monitoring projects and methods across
national boundaries.

Senior scientists will give lectures on topics that are usually not
convened by traditional science conferences. They will focus on
practical issues, methods and techniques associated with modern
research and future forecasting needs. Early career scientists will
present and discuss their research in a poster session. New
approaches to current and future challenges will be presented through
panels and open forums.

The workshop will be held at the Otto-Schmidt Laboratory at the
Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St. Petersburg
from 19-22 November 2008.

Funding will be available through the IMPETUS program itself (see:
and through the AOSB Fund "New Research Generation" (see: The U.S. Arctic Research
Commission has providing funding for U.S. young researchers
interested in Arctic Policy Issues and the Betty and Gordon Moore
Foundation has also agreed to sponsor several U.S. young researchers
interested in Polar Marine Microbiology.

The application deadline is Tuesday, 30 September 2008.

For those who already applied: if you did not receive an email
confirming your registration, please contact:
impetus2008 [at]

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Carolyn Wegner
Email: impetus2008 [at]