
Call for Nominations
2010 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science
Theme: Earth Systems
Franklin Institute

Notice of Intent to Nominate Due: Saturday, 28 February 2009
Nomination Deadline: Thursday, 30 April 2009

For further information, please go to:

The Franklin Institute invites nominations for the 2010 Bower Award and
Prize for Achievement in Science. The theme for the 2010 award is Earth
Systems. Nominations of individuals who have made significant scientific
contributions to our understanding of the interrelationships among earth
systems leading to increased predictability of natural or human-induced
changes on the planet are sought. Nominations should recognize efforts
that encompass various earth systems and processes, including: the
Earth's interior, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere,
biogeochemical cycles, and Earth history.

This award is presented annually to an individual of any nationality for
outstanding work in the basic, applied, or engineering sciences. Each
year, a predetermined field of study is chosen as a theme. A gold medal
and a cash prize of $250,000 are awarded to the individual selected to
receive the award.

The Franklin Institute Awards Program is among the oldest and most
comprehensive international science and technology awards programs in
the world. The list of Franklin Institute laureates reads like a "Who's
Who" in the history of 19th, 20th, and 21st century science. It includes
such titans as Thomas Edison, Marie and Pierre Curie, Rudolph Diesel,
Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Enrico Fermi, Ruth Patrick, Stephen
Hawking, Ralph Cicerone, Sir Martin Rees, Noam Chomsky, Paul Baran, Rob
Van der Voo, Luna Leopold and M. Gordon Wolman, and Wallace Broecker.
The Franklin Institute urges you to nominate a candidate whose name
should be added to this distinguished list.

For more information on nominating a candidate for The 2010 Bower Award
and Prize for Achievement in Science, please visit:

Notification of intent to nominate is due by Saturday, 28 February 2009.
The final nomination deadline is Thursday, 30 April 2009.

Questions about the appropriateness of a particular nomination are
welcome and should be directed to:
Dr. Frederic Bertley
Vice President, The Franklin Institute
Email: fbertley [at]