
Graduate Research Assistantships Available
MS in Environmental Science Program
Alaska Pacific University
Anchorage, AK

Glaciological and microbiological constraints on fate of human waste,
Kahiltna Glacier, Denali National Park, Alaska

For more information, see:

Or contact:
Michael Loso
Phone: 907-564-8263
Email: mloso [at]

Research assistantships are available to support two graduate students
working with Alaska Pacific University faculty and National Park Service
research staff to develop a better understanding of the trajectory and
fate of human waste deposited by mountaineers climbing the popular West
Buttress route on Mt. McKinley. Motivated by the need to better manage
waste disposal practices by the 1000+ climbers on the route each year,
funds are available to support research towards two Masters theses. One,
by a student interested in glaciology, will focus on glacier mass
balance and flow dynamics on the Kahiltna Glacier. The other, by a
student interested in microbiology and environmental chemistry, will
focus on the breakdown and ultimate fate of frozen, glacier-transported
waste. Potential candidates should each have a strong GPA from a
relevant undergraduate science program. Assistantships provide support
for two years' tuition and summer salary, and may begin as early as fall
2010. Interested students are encouraged to apply for admission

For more information, see:

Or contact:
Michael Loso
Phone: 907-564-8263
Email: mloso [at]