
From: Harald Roar Lind harald.roar.lind [at]
To: "list [at]" list [at]
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 14:05:29 +0200
Subject: Open position at the Norwegian Polar Institute
Thread-Topic: Open position at the Norwegian Polar Institute
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We are seeking a person that will be responsible
for performing field-based research programmes
in the Arctic and the Antarctic that are
relevant to the institute's mandate. The
successful applicant will be responsible for the
monitoring and management of the institutes'
seabird monitoring programs at Spitsbergen. The
job includes: planning research programmes;
writing grant applications to help support the
work financially; conducting the research in the
field; analyzing the resulting data; reporting
the results to the Institute's seabird
data-bases; and doing basic reporting and
administration of the research programme(s). The
job also includes providing input and advice in
environmental management processes. Research
activities are expected to result in an active
publication record in journals of high
international quality (peer-reviewed).
The Norwegian Polar Institute has an opening for
a full-time, permanent research position in
avian ecology in Polar Regions. Potential
candidates must have a PhD with a background in
seabird population biology and ecology.
Expertise in statistical analyses, the ability
to publish in high-quality international
scientific journals and the ability to secure
research grants must be documented. An ability
and willingness to work in multidisciplinary
research groups and practical experience from
field-related research programmes are important
The salary will commensurate with the
qualifications of the successful candidate,
according to the Norwegian State salary code
1109 - 1183, scale 57 - 68 (NOK 435.500 -
533.300). The work place is the Norwegian Polar
Institute in Troms¯, Norway, with the
possibility for extended periods of placement at
the NPI office in Longyearbyen on Svalbard. The
position is open, and the successful candidate
should be able to start as soon as possible.
The Norwegian State Administration strives to
mirror the diversity of its population and
thereby achieve a balanced mix of age, gender
and ethnic backgrounds among its employees.
Hence, candidates with immigrant backgrounds and
women are encouraged to apply for the position.
Further inquiries about the position may be
directed to Research Director Kim HolmÈn,
e-mail: kim.holmen [at], phone: +47 77 75
05 30, of Head of Biodiversity Section, Kit
Kovacs, e-mail:
kit.kovacs [at] npolar.nokit.kovacs [at],
phone: +47 77 75 05 26.
The application deadline is 31 October 2009. The
application should include a CV, names of at
least two references, a list of publications and
details of your relevant qualifications and
experience. The application is to be submitted
electronically on the application form available
at "Apply for this job" on this page. If this is
not feasible, printed applications may be sent
to the Norwegian Polar Institute, Polar
Environmental Centre, NO-9296 Troms¯, Norway.
All applications can be handled confidentially
until the application deadline. Thereafter, a
public list of applicants will be prepared.
Applicants who wish to reserve their
applications from the public list must give
reasons for this in their applications. In
accordance with new public information laws,
information about an applicant can be made
public even if the applicant has requested not
be included from the public list of applicants,
cf. Freedom of Information Act, Section 25, 2nd