
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Call for Abstracts - State and Fate of Frozen Ground and
    Periglacial Environments
    Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
    14-18 April 2010
    Washington, D.C.

  2. Abstract Submission and Registration Now Open
    2010 Alaska Marine Science Symposium
    18-22 January 2010
    Anchorage, Alaska

  3. Save the Date
    Arctic Science Summit Week 2011
    29 March - 2 April 2011
    Seoul, Korea

  1. Call for Abstracts - State and Fate of Frozen Ground and
    Periglacial Environments
    Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
    14-18 April 2010
    Washington, D.C.

Organizers of a session entitled "State and Fate of Frozen Ground and
Periglacial Environments" announce a call for abstracts. The session
will be convened at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, 14-18 April 2010 in Washington, D.C.

Frozen ground includes near-surface soil affected by short-term
freeze-thaw cycles, seasonally frozen ground, and permafrost. In terms
of areal extent, frozen ground is the largest component of the Earth's
cryosphere. It plays an important role in the land surface energy,
moisture balances, hydrologic and biochemical cycles; has a profound
effect on ecosystems; and is characterized by unique land surface and
geomorphologic processes. Frozen ground environments are also home to a
substantial human population and are thus an area of significant
economic activity. A wide range of environmental changes occurring on
scales of a few years to millennia have and continue to significantly
affect periglacial regions, with important feedbacks. Impacts of a
recently warming climate are increasingly evident. These climatic trends
are producing substantial impacts on ecosystems, social structures,
geomorphology, and other physical or biological processes of periglacial

This session seeks presentations across all disciplines that examine the
nature of changes affecting high latitude and high altitude frozen
ground and periglacial environments. Organizers invite presentations
that use models, observations, historical and paleoclimate records,
statistical inference, and process studies. Organizers also encourage
abstracts presenting the results from International Polar Year (IPY)
projects, observing networks, frozen ground changes on human
populations, and economic activities, as well as policy issues related
to the need for multi-national collaborations in frozen ground research
and to improve the public's awareness of climatic processes and change.

To submit an abstract, you must first register for the meeting at: After
registering, you can click on 'Submit an Abstract' and complete the
process as outlined. Please contact Nikolay Shiklomanov or Oliver
Frauenfeld if you plan to submit an abstract.

Abstract Deadline: Wednesday, 18 November 2009

For further information, please contact:
Nikolay Shiklomanov
Email: shiklom [at]

Oliver Frauenfeld
Email: oliverf [at]

  1. Abstract Submission and Registration Now Open
    2010 Alaska Marine Science Symposium
    18-22 January 2010
    Anchorage, Alaska

Organizers announce that abstract submission and registration are now
open for the 2010 Alaska Marine Science Symposium. The meeting will be
convened 18-22 January 2010 at the Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage,

Scientists from Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, the nation, and beyond
will gather in Anchorage to discuss their research in the large marine
ecosystems of the Arctic, the Bering Sea, and the Gulf of Alaska.
Plenary and poster sessions will feature the latest research on climate,
oceanography, lower trophic levels, the benthos, fishes and
invertebrates, seabirds, marine mammals, and local and traditional

Registration is free, and will be open through 5 January 2010.
Registration will also be available onsite. To register for the meeting,
please go to:

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, 20 November 2009.
Abstracts are limited to 350 words, and must be submitted online. Talks
are limited to 15 minutes, including time for questions. Abstracts not
accepted for a talk will be offered the opportunity to present a poster.
For further information on abstracts, or to make a submission, please go

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 20 November 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Carolyn Rosner
Email: carolyn.rosner [at]

  1. Save the Date
    Arctic Science Summit Week 2011
    29 March - 2 April 2011
    Seoul, Korea

Organizers announce that the dates for the Arctic Science Summit Week
(ASSW) 2011 are set for 29 March - 2 April 2011. The meeting will be
convened in the Coex Center in Seoul, Korea.

ASSW 2011 will have an integrated Science Symposium covering the theme:
'The Arctic: The New Frontier for Global Science.' The Science
Symposium, organized for the second time after a successful launch in
Bergen 2009, creates a platform for exchanging knowledge, cross
fertilization, and collaboration in arctic science.

The Scientific Steering Group for ASSW 2011 is chaired by Byong-Kwon
Park of the Korea Polar Research Institute, and Jacqueline Grebmeier of
the University of Maryland.