
Multiple Session Announcements
2011 International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
28 June - 7 July 2011
Melbourne, Australia

  1. J-C01 - Arctic System Modeling

  2. C03 - Morphology of Snow and Ice on the Ground and in the

  1. J-C01 - Arctic System Modeling

Organizers of Session J-C01, entitled "Arctic System Modeling," announce
a call for abstracts. The session will be convened at the 2011
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), scheduled for 28
June - 7 July 2011 in Melbourne, Australia.

This session will focus on model development and results that seek to
explain physical-biogeochemical-ecological-human interconnectivity
within the arctic environment. Model developments and results presented
at this session will typically relate to the use or evaluation of
coupled regional arctic sea ice-ocean-atmosphere climate models with
coupled 'system' components, such as sophisticated biogeochemistry,
hydrology, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, atmospheric chemistry and
aerosols, ice-sheets, and human-system components.

The organizers are especially interested in attracting speakers who will
describe cutting-edge interdisciplinary modeling efforts on all aspects
of the earth system at high northern latitudes, and efforts to
understand the Arctic through systems based research.

Abstract submission deadline: 17 January 2010.

For an overview of the IUGG meeting, please go to the conference
website: Full abstract details, including an
abstract template and the link for abstract submission, are available

For details on session J-C01, please click on the 'Arctic System
Modeling' link at:

If you have further questions, please contact the session conveners:
Scott Elliott
Email: sme [at]

Andrew Roberts
Email: aroberts [at]

  1. C03 - Morphology of Snow and Ice on the Ground and in the Atmosphere

Organizers of Session C03, entitled "Morphology of Snow and Ice on the
Ground and in the Atmosphere," announce a call for abstracts. The
session will be convened at the 2011 International Union of Geodesy and
Geophysics (IUGG), scheduled for 28 June - 7 July 2011 in Melbourne,

Ice as the most abundant mineral on the Earth's surface plays a crucial
role in our climate system. The physics of snow and ice, which is
essential to quantify various aspects of the cryosphere reliably on
seasonal or climatological time scales, is ultimately determined by ice
crystal morphology. The shape and size distributions usually undergo
drastic changes during different stages of the typical lifetime of ice
crystals: growth in the atmosphere, deposition on land or sea and the
subsequent evolution in snow cover, firn, glacier, or sea ice.
Deformation and recrystallization mechanisms in polycrystalline ice on
the ground cause further changes in morphology and microstructure of
ice. At any stage the underlying crystal structure and in particular its
variability determine many physical properties of clouds, snowpacks, and
ice cores. Thereby, one stage of crystal evolution will serve as the
initial condition for the next stage which leads to questions like: How
long will inherited, morphological characteristics survive? What are the
common aspects of methods that investigate crystal morphologies on the
ground and in the atmosphere?

This symposium aims to cross the boundaries between atmosphere and
ground by focusing on common, underlying questions of structural
properties of natural ice crystals. Organizers invite experimental and
theoretical contributions which focus on morphological aspects of ice
crystals, their variability, experimental methods to determine them, and
their dynamic evolution under the influence of dominant physical

Abstract submission deadline: 17 January 2010.

For an overview of the IUGG meeting, please go to the conference
website: Full abstract details, including an
abstract template and the link for abstract submission, are available

For details on session C03, please click on the 'Morphology of Snow and
Ice on the Ground and in the Atmosphere' link at:

If you have further questions, please contact the session conveners:
Henning Lowe
Email: loewe [at]

Johanna Spiegel
Email: [at]

Ilka Weikusat
Email: Ilka.Weikusat [at]