
Final Report Available
Bering Strait Environmental Observations Workshop

To download the report, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Lee Cooper
Email: cooper [at]

A final copy of the Bering Strait Environmental Observations Workshop
report is now available for download at:

The report is the outcome of two workshops (one in Eatonville,
Washington in 2009; the other in Nome, Alaska in 2010) held to consider
local community and scientific needs for environmental observations
infrastructure in the Bering Strait region. Infrastructure options
considered included community-based activities, moorings, ship-based
observations, and other mechanisms that are potentially available to
observe arctic environmental conditions. Among the outcomes was also a
prioritization of the more important environmental variables to observe,
using both scientific and local community opinions. Workshop
participants included scientists from six countries and representatives
of six villages in the greater Bering Strait region. Support for the
workshops and report were provided by the Office of Polar Programs, U.S.
National Science Foundation; the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration; and the Alaska Ocean Observing System.

A limited number of paper copies are also available and can be requested
from Lee Cooper via email (cooper [at] or at:

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences
PO Box 38
Solomons, MD  20688
United States

For further information, please contact:
Lee Cooper
Email: cooper [at]