
Call for Applications
Girls on Ice 2011 Expedition
25 July - 4 August 2011
Mount Baker, Washington

Application deadline: Tuesday, 15 February 2011

For further information, please visit:

For questions, please email:
info [at]

Organizers announce that the Girls on Ice 2011 Expedition is now
accepting applications. The 2011 program will take place 25 July - 4
August 2011 on Mount Baker in Washington State.

Girls on Ice is a unique, free, wilderness science education program for
high school girls. Each year a team of nine teenage girls and three
instructors spend 11 days exploring and learning about mountain glaciers
and alpine landscapes through scientific field studies with professional
glaciologists and mountaineers.

Applicants must be at least fifteen years old by the start date of the
program, and no older than eighteen by the end date. The application
process requires a series of short essay questions and two teacher
recommendations. For further information, or to download the application
form, please go to:

Funding is provided through small grants and gifts from individuals, and
support from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Application deadline: Tuesday, 15 February 2011.

For further information, please visit:

For questions, please email:
info [at]