Dear Colleague,
The proceedings are available from the following conference:
Seventh International Conference
June 23-27 1998
by A.G. Lewkowicz and M. Allard (editors)
Universite Laval
Centre d'etudes nordiques
Collection Nordicana
1276 pages
ISBN 2-920197-57-6
The volume contains 188 reviewed papers from many countries and all aspects
of permafrost are covered. It is a required acquisition for libraries,
particularly those that have the collection of Proceedings from the
previous permafrost conferences.
To order, Contact:
Mrs Danielle Lambert
Centre d'etudes nordiques
Universite Laval
Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4
tel.: 418-656-3340
fax.: 418-656-2978
Price: 150$ Can. or 100$ US (includes shipping)
Payment by cheque or money order
Yours sincerely
Michel Allard