
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
62nd Eastern Snow Conference
8-10 June 2005
Waterloo, Ontario

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 25 February 2005

For further information, please go to:

The 62nd Eastern Snow Conference (ESC) will be held in Waterloo, Ontario
on 8-10 June 2005. The scientific program is open to sessions on
theoretical, experimental, and operational studies of snow, ice, and
winter hydrology. It is anticipated that sessions will discuss the
International Polar Year, climate change, and hydrological and
hydro-chemical impacts of snow and ice. Student paper awards are
available. You are invited to submit an abstract for an oral or a poster
presentation. An abstract of 150-200 words should be submitted to the
Program Chair:

Professor Claude Duguay
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
903 Koyukuk Drive
P.O. Box 757320
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320

E-mail: claude.duguay [at] (E-mail submissions are

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 25 February 2005

All papers will be published in the ESC Proceedings. In addition,
Hydrological Processes (HP) will publish refereed papers from the
meeting. The subject matter of these papers must fit within the scope of
the journal. If you would like your paper to be considered for journal
publication, please indicate this on your abstract and submit four
copies of your paper to the ESC/HP editor by 15 June 2005. For further
information, please contact the ESC/HP editor, John Pomeroy or
co-editor, Andrew Klein.

Professor John Pomeroy
Department of Geography
University of Saskatchewan
9 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5

E-mail: pomeroy [at]

Dr. Andrew Klein
Geography Department
Texas A&M University
814 C Eller O&M
College Station, TX 77843

E-mail: klein [at]

Students are encouraged to enter the ESC Student Paper Competitions. The
winner of the best student paper will receive the Wiesnet Medal, a $500
CDN prize and free registration, while the Campbell Scientific Canada
Award of $500 CDN will be awarded to the most innovative use of
technology in the gathering of data. To be considered for these awards,
four copies of the paper with the supervisor's endorsement must reach
the Chair of the Research Committee, Chris Derksen, postmarked no later
than 29 April 2005.

Dr. Chris Derksen
Climate Research Branch
Meteorological Service of Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON M3H 5T4

E-mail: chris.derksen [at]

For further information, please go to: